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Josh Bererton

Josh Bererton

U14 Aces (Head Coach)

Joshua has been coaching since 2014. Prior to that he played on his school team every year, as well as played some club and attended various training camps. He was eager for the opportunity to switch from being a player to a coach as this fulfilled his passion for the sport and for giving back to the community. While coaching, Josh has taken as many opportunities as possible to learn from the other coaches around him. By attending additional practices and asking technical questions. He will be pursuing his level one certification this year. The philosophy that Josh believes in, is one where athletes learn from their mistakes and are led down the path for correction and learning. This leads to athletes building their confidence and eventually an excitement of being able to identify what happens and self correcting. Josh believes in creating an environment of safety and success, so those athletes who may be shy or may lack confidence, can see and feel their growth. Having team excitement and development is extremely important so athletes continue to fall in love with the sport.


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